Plaisirs (Gastronomie); Die Spezialitäten aus Graubünden

L' art culinaire
Signature: 20.8.1990
Internal ID: ID-3001754
Provenience: Pult, Florio, Promontogno
Date of receipt: Oct. 24, 2007
Ownership: Schenkung
Place of origin: Colombier, Gessler & Cie SA; Bottmingen, Terra Grischuna
Period of setting: 1910–1998
Document types: Newspaper/Magazines
Topics: Art, Everyday life
Technic/material: Zeitschriften
Quantity: 2 Ex.
Dimension: 29,7x21 cm
Storage location: Depot 4, 55b (Schachtel 2)

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