Einweihung Tschiervahütte

Tschiervahütte (1899-1951), drei Söhne Giovanni Segantinis (siehe Abb.), Margun Alp sur Uvel, Restaurant Roseg, Mortel-Hütte (1877-1926, 1926 durch Neubau Coazhütte ersetzt)
Signature: 20.8.1990
Internal ID: ID-2010322
Provenience: Pult, Florio, Promontogno
Date of receipt: July 2, 1993
Ownership: Schenkung
Originator: PULT Chasper, 1866-1956
Period of setting: 1899
Location of setting: Pontresina, Samedan, Oberengadin
Document types: Photos
Topics: Architectur, Economy, Everyday life, History, Persons, Sport, Topography, Tourism
Technic/material: Fotos für Stereoskop
Quantity: 11 Ex.
Dimension: 17,1x8,7 cm
Storage location: Depot 2, 2a (Schachtel 9)

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