Palazis und chesas

Signature: 10.1.1989
Internal ID: ID-2001673
Provenience: Kaiser, Dolf, Zürich/Bever
Date of receipt: July 8, 2010
Ownership: Schenkung
Originator: KAISER Dolf u. a.
Period of setting: 1700-1850
Location of setting: Samedan, Celerina, Madulain, Sent
Document types: Photos, Reproductionen, Typescript
Topics: Architectur, Geography, History, Persons
Technic/material: Briefe, Typoskripte, Manuskripte, Kopien aus Büchern, Zeitungen u. a.
Quantity: ca. 35 Ex.
Dimension: 12x8,5 cm-30x21 cm
Storage location: Depot 10, 21f (Ordner 25)

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