Familie Klainguti

Mercato della Legna
La "Stella Polare", Genova 1901
Bildlegenden Schachtel ???:
Via Consolazione
Via Giulia
Ponte Pila
Bildlegenden Schachtel 13c:
Genova dalla Lanterna 1885
Spezia. Varo della carozzata "Sardegna" (A. Noack, Genova)
Bildlegenden Schachtel 13a:
Schenkung Lisa Gachnang-Klainguti, Zürich
Signature: 26.7.1997
Internal ID: ID-100584
Provenience: Klainguti, Angelo, Bever
Date of receipt: July 26, 1997
Ownership: Nachlass
Place of origin: Genua, Italien
Period of setting: um 1900
Location of setting: Genua, Italien
Document types: Photos, Postcards
Topics: Architectur, Art, Persons, Sport, Topography
Technic/material: Fotos, Postkarten
Quantity: 9 Ex.
Storage location: Depot 3, 38g (Schachteln 13a, 13b, 13c)

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