S. Johann, Müstair, Castasegna, St. Moritz, Zuoz

Signature: 27.8.2002
Internal ID: ID-105924
Provenience: Frey-Benz, Hans-Peter, Dr., Reinach
Date of receipt: Aug. 30, 2007
Ownership: Schenkung
Period of setting: 1900-1950
Location of setting: Engadin, Julier, Stelvio, San Bernardino
Document types: Postcards
Topics: Architectur, Everyday life, Geography, Topography
Technic/material: Postkarten
Quantity: 6 Ex.
Dimension: 9x15 cm
Storage location: Depot 1, 1f (Schachtel Diverse Schenkungen 2)

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