Pläne und Offerte Chasa Muotta Granda, Tarasp

Erker, Küche, Bad, Türen, Garagentor usw.
Signature: 14.7.2004
Internal ID: ID-105157
Provenience: Pinösch-Gredig, Familie, Vulpera/Pontresina
Date of receipt: July 14, 2004
Ownership: Nachlass
Originator: GATTIKER-Juvalta W.
Place of origin: Richterswil, Bergün
Period of setting: 1949
Location of setting: Richterswil, Bergün, Vulpera
Document types: Manuscripts, Plans
Topics: Architectur, Everyday life, Technik
Technic/material: Briefe, Pläne
Quantity: 11 Ex.
Dimension: 42x53 cm, 32x38 cm, 42x73 cm, 30x21 cm
Storage location: Depot 5, 67d (17)

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