Archive: | OBERENGADIN |
Signature: | 14.7.2004 |
Internal ID: | ID-105074 |
Provenience: | Pinösch-Gredig, Familie, Vulpera/Pontresina |
Date of receipt: | July 14, 2004 |
Ownership: | Nachlass |
Place of origin: | Samedan, Engadin Press und Co. |
Period of setting: | 1947, 1949 |
Location of setting: | Ardez, Scuol, Unterengadin, Val Müstair |
Document types: | Prospects |
Topics: | Music/Theatre |
Technic/material: | Prospekte |
Quantity: | 2 Ex. |
Dimension: | 21x11 cm |
Storage location: | Depot 5, 67c (Schachtel 7) |
Collection of this Item: |
14.7.2004 |