Fotoabzug Monte della Disgrazia

Fotoabzug des Monte Disgrazia (3678 m), bestiegen am 7.-9. August 1937, mit Widmung von Hans Lori.
Samedan, den 20. Februar 1938.
Signature: 29.9.1999
Internal ID: ID-4223649
Provenience: Zuan, Paul, jun., Samedan
Date of receipt: Sept. 29, 1999
Ownership: Nachlass
Period of setting: 1930 - 1940
Location of setting: Italien
Document types: Photos
Topics: Geography, Topography
Technic/material: Papier
Quantity: 1
Dimension: 50x37 cm
Storage location: Depot 1 (1k, Mappe 3)

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