Scuol. Die historischen Bauen von Scuol suot, Vih, Stradun e Clozza Siedlungsinventar

Fotos, Grafiken, Pläne:JENNY Georg; AMREIN Crispin; BOSCH Giancarlo; JENNYSCHIBLI Hans; GIGER Ruth; BIERT Teodor; ZOMBORY Hendrik; RIBI Ladina
Signature: ACEB HA 30
Internal ID: ID-4220808
Provenience: Uorschla Vonmoos-Hatecke, Scuol
Date of receipt: Jan. 4, 2023
Ownership: Schenkung
Originator: GIOVANOLI Diego; Fotos, Grafiken, Pläne:JENNY Georg; AMREIN Crispin; BOSCH Giancarlo; JENNYSCHIBLI Hans; GIGER Ruth; BIERT Teodor; ZOMBORY Hendrik; RIBI Ladina
Place of origin: Kantonale Denkmalpflege,m 1988
Period of setting: ab 1868 - 1988
Location of setting: Scuol
Document types: Book
Topics: Architectur
Technic/material: Buch, 175 S., Halbkartoneinband
Quantity: 1
Dimension: A4
Storage location: SH R2 REG 4, Sachbücher (555)

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