Die Herren von Tarasp (1980)

Schloss Tarasp, Unterengadin, Südtirol, Inntal, Paznaun, Vinschgau, Kloster Marienberg und Müstair, Matsch, Genealogie der Tarasper, Bischof Ulrich I. II. III., Gebhard III., Habsburger,
Karte der Herrschaft Tarasp um 1722
Signature: ACEB HA 30
Internal ID: ID-4219458
Provenience: Alfons Clalüna, Samedan
Date of receipt: March 14, 2022
Ownership: Schenkung
Originator: MÜLLER Iso; Fotos: SCHÖNBÄCHLER Daniel
Place of origin: Disentis, Stampa Romontscha Condau 1980
Place of publication: Disentis, Desertina Verlag, 1980
Period of setting: Mittelalter
Location of setting: Tarasp
Document types: Book, Drafts/Drawing, Photos
Topics: History
Technic/material: Buch, 223 S.; Kartoneinband
Quantity: 1
Dimension: 24 x 17
Storage location: SH R2 REG 3, Sachbücher (508)

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