Institut Kronbühl

Prospekte, Lehrplan, Rechnungen, Berichte von Th. Lutz-Schlatter, Zeugnisse Carlo Frizzoni, Briefe von Carlo Frizzoni an Familie
Signature: 4.1.2018
Internal ID: ID-4218244
Provenience: Frizzoni, Familie, Celerina
Date of receipt: Jan. 4, 2018
Ownership: Nachlass
Originator: FRIZZONI Carlo, LUTZ-SCHLATTER Th. u. a.
Place of origin: Kronbühl
Place of publication: Kronbühl
Period of setting: um 1899, 1902–1904
Location of setting: Kronbühl, Celerina
Document types: Letters, Manuscripts, Prospects, Reproductionen, Typescript
Topics: Economy, Education, Everyday life, Persons
Technic/material: Papier
Quantity: 31 Ex.
Dimension: 8,5x5 cm–22x29 cm
Storage location: Depot 10 (2k Schachtel 11)

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