GDB tf, Grant dizionari bilengâl - talian furlan, Udine 2000, Programm Istitut ladin furlan

Übergeben von Lardelli, Dora, Vicosoprano.
Signature: 16.11.2001
Internal ID: ID-4215143
Provenience: Gorboso, Geremia, Lestizza, Italia
Date of receipt: Dec. 15, 2020
Ownership: Schenkung
Originator: Region autonome friul vignesie julie
Place of origin: Udine
Period of setting: 1850-2000
Location of setting: Provinz Udine
Document types: Digital, Publications
Topics: Geography, History, Languages, Persons
Technic/material: CD in Umschlag, Flyer
Quantity: 1 Ex.
Dimension: 18,5x14 cm
Storage location: Depot 3, 39a (Schachtel 2)

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