Ils muglins da Scuol, Clemgia e Clozza

Tenor: Skizzen und Studien von J. R. Rahn, (Festschrift zu seinem siebzigsten Geburtstag, Zürich 1911), Clozza 5.9.1904, Clemgia 2.9.1905;
Signature: ACEB HA 64
Internal ID: ID-4212046
Provenience: Antonetta Bischoff, Relasch Nicolin Bischoff, Ramosch
Date of receipt: May 13, 2020
Ownership: Schenkung
Originator: Rahn, Joh. Rud.
Place of origin: Geogr. Sammlung der Zentr. Bibliothek
Place of publication: Zürich, 1911
Period of setting: 1904-05
Location of setting: Scuol, Tarasp
Document types: Drafts/Drawing
Topics: Everyday life, History
Technic/material: Fotokopien, 2 S.
Quantity: 2
Dimension: A4
Storage location: SH R1 REG 12A (Trocla 2) (123)

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