Fotografien Dörfer Engadin

Fotografien Samedan, Scuol / Schulz, Pontresina, Maloja, St.Moritz, La Punt Chamuesch, Celerina Inn
Signature: 1.1.1994
Internal ID: ID-4210599
Provenience: Pro Samedan
Date of receipt: Jan. 1, 1994
Ownership: Schenkung
Originator: WEHRLI Gebr., BRAUN Adolphe, BIEFER Willy, RAUCH J. J.
Place of origin: Oberengadin
Period of setting: 1860-1920
Document types: Photos
Topics: Architectur, Everyday life, Geography, History, Persons, Tourism, Transport
Technic/material: Fotos
Storage location: Depot 2, 1b (Schachtel 4)

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