Gemeindehaus Sta. Maria, Val Müstair

(In Buch Seite 44)
9 Fotos z. T. von Modell, 10 Fotokopien (Grundrisse, Schnitt, Fotos)
Signature: 19.10.2018
Internal ID: ID-4205719
Provenience: Obrist, Robert, St. Moritz
Date of receipt: Oct. 19, 2018
Ownership: Nachlass
Originator: OBRIST Robert und Partner
Place of origin: St. Moritz
Period of setting: 1978–1981
Location of setting: Sta. Maria, Val Müstair
Document types: Photos, Plans, Reproductionen
Topics: Architectur
Technic/material: Fotos, Fotokopien
Quantity: 19 Ex.
Dimension: 7x7 cm–29,7x21 cm
Storage location: Depot 10, 26a (Schachtel 1, C22)

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