Walser-Häuser und -Siedlungen, Walser-Rechte und -Bräuche

Schenkung Jacqueline Wieser, Chur
Signature: 12.10.2000
Internal ID: ID-102443
Provenience: Wieser, Constant, Zuoz/Chur
Date of receipt: Oct. 12, 2000
Ownership: Nachlass
Originator: DALBERT P., WIESER C., ELSÄSSER-Rusterholz, SIMONETT Chr. Dr., BUDMINGER Georg
Place of origin: Chur, Zillis, Zuoz
Location of setting: Graubünden
Document types: Letters, Manuscripts, Negative/Diapositive, Newspaper/Magazines, Other, Photos, Postcards, Prospects
Topics: Architectur, Everyday life, Geography, History, Legislation
Technic/material: Zeitung/Zeitschrift, Prospekt, Manuskript/Typoskript, Brief, Fotos, Negative, Postkarten in Mappe
Storage location: Depot 1, 12b (Schachtel 15)

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