Geschäftliches und Privates Krättli, Lyss, Bonorand, Cantieni, Valentin, Boner Gillli Huder, Corti Sandri

Signature: 14.7.2004
Internal ID: ID-3004001
Provenience: Pinösch-Gredig, Familie, Vulpera/Pontresina
Date of receipt: July 14, 2004
Ownership: Nachlass
Originator: PINÖSCH Gustav und Andere
Place of origin: Engadin, Europa
Period of setting: 1848-1934
Location of setting: Schweiz
Document types: Book, Manuscripts, Reproductionen, Typescript
Topics: Economy, Everyday life, Legislation, Persons, Tourism, Trade
Technic/material: Copialbücher, Rechnungsbuch, Landkarte
Quantity: ca. 2000 Blätter: 18 Copialbücher, 1 Rechnungsbuch, 1 Landkarte
Dimension: 26x19 cm
Storage location: Depot 5, 70 b

Collection of this Item:
