Chasa a Pistoia: inventar, contrat da vendita e cumprita, notas da credit, quittanza

1. inventar, 1824
2. contrat da vendita e cumprita (copia), 1824; vendader: Giov. Battista del ?? Luigi Delmoro, cumprader: Sig. Valentino del ?? Giovanni Grandi; 3 documaints acclus, 1823, 1828; 1 nota da credit ipotecar, 1823
3. 2 notas da credit ipotecar, 1824, 1825
4. 1 quittanza afavur da Valentino Grandi, 1847
Signature: ACEB HA 212
Internal ID: ID-3002976
Provenience: Famiglia Fliri-Valentin, Strada
Date of receipt: June 26, 2017
Ownership: Nachlass
Place of origin: Pistoia, Italia
Document types: Manuscripts
Topics: Economy, Persons
Technic/material: Handschrift, Papier
Quantity: 4
Dimension: 30 x 21
Storage location: SH R1 REG 15A, (Normschachtel 2) (115)

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