Sammlung von Schulliedern

Sammlung von Schulliedern. Zweites Heft: Dreistimmige Lieder, Chur 1847

Exlibris: Catrinna Coraj, Scolara en Uorz 1847
Archive: Surselva
Signature: ACF Vuor 1
Internal ID: ID-3002323
Provenience: Ruth Janki, Vuorz
Date of receipt: Nov. 16, 2016
Ownership: Nachlass
Place of origin: Chur 1847
Place of publication: Chur
Period of setting: 19. Jahrhundert
Location of setting: Chur, Waltensburg
Document types: Book
Topics: Education, Music/Theatre
Technic/material: Druckschrift
Quantity: 1
Dimension: A6
Storage location: Rar (6 Lied)

Collection of this Item:

ACF Vuor 1