Poretti Fotos, Pläne, Poretti News

Mälzereiprojekt, Dati costruttivi, Registro Prestatori d'opera, Angestelltenliste
Signature: 11.6.2008
Internal ID: ID-3001851
Provenience: Späth, Gino, Celerina
Date of receipt: June 11, 2008
Ownership: Schenkung
Originator: Gino Späth, Poretti SPA
Place of origin: Celerina
Place of publication: Celerina
Period of setting: 1907 - 1992
Location of setting: Celerina
Document types: Drafts/Drawing, Photos, Typescript
Topics: Architectur, Science
Technic/material: Tusche, Tinte, Bleistift, Papier
Storage location: Depot 7, 3f (Schachtel 3)

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