Fotos von Hotels in Scuol
Fotos von Hotels in Scuol (Beschrieb in 201 12 90 HA 64/64 mit Plan und Hausnummern)
Monsch-French 1885 - Villa Fulia - Hotel Pension Victoria - Villa Töndury - Gaudenz, Hotel Könz,
Hotel Pension Traube - Üja - Ghilotti - Salvoldelli, Hotel Post, Hotel Belvédère, Hotel Engadinerhof beim Abbruch.
Archive: |
Signature: |
ACEB HA 64 |
Internal ID: |
ID-3001814 |
Provenience: |
Marugg Richard 1935, Scuol |
Date of receipt: |
March 2, 2016 |
Ownership: |
Schenkung |
Originator: |
noname |
Place of origin: |
Scuol |
Period of setting: |
1850 - 2000 |
Location of setting: |
Scuol |
Document types: |
Photos, Postcards |
Topics: |
Geography |
Technic/material: |
Postkarten |
Quantity: |
30 |
Dimension: |
A4 |
Storage location: |