Zeitschriften, Bücher, Kataloge, Dokumentationen

Merian Graubünden, Terra Grischuna, AD, Golf, ci siamo, Piz, Chalender Ladin, Bündner Monatsblatt, Glamorous, High Live, Forum Engadin Dokumentation 2004 etc.
Signature: 26.9.2013
Internal ID: ID-4200051
Provenience: Pedretti Giuliano, Celerina
Date of receipt: Feb. 27, 2015
Ownership: Nachlass
Originator: Pedretti Giuliano
Place of origin: Europa
Place of publication: Europa
Period of setting: 1959 bis 1991
Location of setting: Europa
Document types: Catalogs, Images, Letters, Manuscripts, Newspaper/Magazines, Photos, Postcards, Prospects, Reproductionen, Typescript
Topics: Architectur, Art, Everyday life, History, Literature, Persons, Psychology, Science
Technic/material: Typoskripte, Zeitungen
Quantity: ca. 30
Dimension: A4
Storage location: Depot 9, 5i (Schachtel 19, in Schachtel 21)

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