Glas- und andere Fotonegative

Signature: 19.2.2004
Internal ID: ID-2010128
Provenience: Töndury, Gian Andri, Samedan
Date of receipt: Feb. 19, 2004
Ownership: Nachlass
Place of origin: Dresden, London, Berlin
Period of setting: um 1920-um 1950
Location of setting: Engadin, Schweiz, Europa
Document types: Negative/Diapositive
Topics: Architectur, Art, Everyday life, Geography, Music/Theatre, Other, Persons, Sport, Tourism, Transport
Technic/material: Glas
Quantity: 14 Schachteln
Dimension: 4,5x10,5 cm
Storage location: Depot 3, 44a (Schachtel 6)

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