The "Iron Gate Complex Atlas"

Abschiedsgeschenk von Prof. Dr. L. Ruderer, Präsident der Hydrologischen Kommission
Signature: 19.2.2004
Internal ID: ID-2010060
Provenience: Töndury, Gian Andri, Samedan
Date of receipt: Feb. 19, 2004
Ownership: Nachlass
Originator: PANDELE Stefan, CIORNEA Elena u.a.
Place of origin: Bukarest
Period of setting: um 1970
Location of setting: Balkan
Document types: Book, Plans
Topics: Geography
Technic/material: Atlas
Quantity: 1 Ex.
Dimension: 29,7x44 cm
Storage location: Depot 3, 45a (21)

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