Das Bergell im Bilde

Mit Fotos von Steiner, Gaberell und Zinggeler: Albignafall, Hotel Bregaglia, Bondo, Borgonovo, Burg und Schloss Castelmur, Casaccia, Castasegna, Kirche San Pietro, Malojapass, Palazzo Salis Soglio, San Gaudenzio, Soglio, Stampa, Vicosoprano,

Widmung an Frau Torriani Willy, 21.7.1933
Signature: 16.10.1996
Internal ID: ID-2009130
Provenience: Fried, Olga und Paul, Bever
Date of receipt: Oct. 9, 1997
Ownership: Schenkung
Originator: PRO BREGAGLIA, Fotografen: Gaberell, Zinggeler, Steiner, Meisser
Place of origin: Chur, Manatschal Ebner & Cie. AG
Period of setting: um 1920-1930
Location of setting: Bergell
Document types: Book
Topics: Architectur, Art, Geography, Topography, Tourism, Transport
Technic/material: Fotoheft
Quantity: 2 Ex.
Dimension: 25x20,5 cm
Storage location: Depot 1, 1d (Schachtel 6)

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