Unterlagen Aufführungen, Festspiele u. a.

Signature: 31.5.2012
Internal ID: ID-2006142
Provenience: Uniun dals Grischs, Chesin Manella, Celerina
Date of receipt: May 31, 2012
Ownership: Schenkung
Place of origin: Graubünden, Schweiz
Period of setting: 1985-1990
Location of setting: Chamues-ch, Zernez, Aarau u. a.
Document types: Letters, Manuscripts, Negative/Diapositive, Newspaper/Magazines, Photos, Plans, Prospects, Reproductionen, Typescript
Topics: Music/Theatre, Persons
Quantity: ca. 180 Ex.
Dimension: 15x21cm-59,4x34 cm
Storage location: Depot 10, 17d (Schachtel 21)

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