Gästeblätter Scuol-Tarasp-Vulpera

Gästeblätter 1954 1-10 No.2 Aus der Vergangenheit unseres Dorfes Scuol aus Chronik und überlieferung. No.4 Rund um die Tarasper Kur. No.5 Die Motta Naluns No.6 Das Sellbahnprojekt Motta Naluns.
Signature: ACEB HA 54
Internal ID: ID-2003688
Provenience: Rolf Zollinger Vulpera
Date of receipt: June 4, 2012
Ownership: Schenkung
Originator: Kurverein Scuol-Tarasp-Vulpera
Place of origin: Samedan
Period of setting: 1954
Location of setting: Unterengadin
Document types: Publications
Topics: Everyday life, History, Medicine, Music/Theatre, Other, Persons, Tourism, Trade, Transport
Technic/material: Hefter Gedruckt
Quantity: 10 Hefter
Dimension: A4 21X30cm
Storage location: SH R1 REG 7C (HA 54/ 9)

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