Cronica, Chronik 1955 2005 Pendicularas Motta Naluns Scuol Engiadina 50 ons; Publicaziun da giubileum, Jubiläumszeitschrift

Scuol, Ftan, Sent, Seilbahn, Sesselbahn, Skisport, Wintersport, Club skiunzs Lischana, Gondelbahn, Charpenna, Beschneiungsanlage, chanuns da naiv, Chronologische Auflistung der geschichtlichen Daten 1954-2005, Andry Sarott
Signature: ACEB HA 64
Internal ID: ID-2003532
Provenience: Pendicularas Motta Naluns
Date of receipt: June 4, 2012
Ownership: Fund
Originator: Verschiedene, Pendicularas Motta Naluns; Constant Gritti, Fredy Isler, Gion Peider Mischol, Egon Scheiwiller
Place of origin: Scuol
Place of publication: Scuol 2005, Pendicularas Motta Naluns Scuol-Ftan-Sent
Period of setting: 1954 -2005
Location of setting: Scuol
Document types: Publications
Topics: Persons, Tourism
Technic/material: Broschüre, 52 S., Papiereinband
Quantity: 1
Dimension: 28.5 x 19
Storage location: SH R1 REG 8A (4)

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